Best value - lowest prices in the area! Affordable and budget friendly.
Contact us at: (518) 765-4265
Email: GuilderlandSelfStorage@gmail.com
Located at: 5664 DEPOT ROAD VOORHEESVILLE, NY 12186
Unit Size:
Equivalent to:
This Unit Will Hold:
Walk-in closet
1 room of furniture such as sofa, chairs, chest of drawers, boxspring and mattress, as well as boxes.
5 X 10​
Small bedroom or ½ size of a one-car garage
Large Bedroom or ¾ size of a one-car garage
One-bedroom apartment with appliances, boxes and small items. Or, extra office inventory including desk, chairs, lamps.
Furniture from a 2-3 bedroom apartment or small house, including boxes, appliances, and miscellaneous items.
10 X 10​
10 X 15​
Standard one-car garage
Contents of a three to four bedroom small house with appliances, boxes and other items. Small truck, boat or car.
10 X 20​